Greener camping club

We are a proud member of the Greener Camping Club. In order to stay with us you need to be a member of the club. This is easy and we will sign you up after you have booked. If you are already a member just let us know and we can refund you the membership fee.
You can view our current certificate here:
As a member you have access to a range of wonderful camping and glamping sites, you can find out more on the Greener Camping Club website.
When becoming a member you are agreeing to the rules for the use of Greener Camping Club Certificated Sites
Greener Camping Club Certificated Sites are for the exclusive use of its Members. In order to stay at a Greener Camping Club Certificated Site, at least one member of each occupied camping pitch, or pre-erected structure must hold a valid membership to the Greener Camping Club. Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December each year.
The Greener Camping Club accepts no liability for loss or damage to persons or property, arising from the use of its Certificated Sites.
The activities of The Greener Camping Club are guided by The Country Code, Marine Conservation Society Seaside Code and the Caravan Code.
Upon Arrival
The speed limit on Greener Camping Club Certificated Sites is 5 mph.
Members must report to the Site Owner before pitching, or occupying a pre-erected structure and pay any outstanding fees.
Members must produce a valid membership card when requested to do so by the Site Owner.
Members may only pitch where directed to by the Site Owner.
For fire and safety reasons, tents, trailer tents, caravans and motorhomes must be pitched so that the outside edge is a minimum of six metres from an adjacent unit (pup tents excepted).
During Your Stay
Members must follow all instructions provided by the Site Owner.
Members must recycle their rubbish and deal with waste water and chemical waste (where permitted) as directed by the Site Owner.
Dogs (where permitted), must be kept on a lead of no more than two metres at all times and never be left unattended.
Children must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times.
Noise must be kept to a reasonable level at all times and there must be no noise or vehicle movements between 10.30pm and 7.30am.
Generators and amplified music are not permitted.
Campfires (where permitted) are not to be left unattended and must be supervised by a responsible adult.
Camping units are not permitted to be left unattended overnight unless agreed with Site Owner.
If the behaviour of a Member, or that of their children or dog(s), causes nuisance to other Members, or there is persistent violation of GCC Rules herein, the Site Owner is empowered to ask the Member to cease the behaviour/violation, or leave the site immediately without refund.
Day visitors are only permitted with the prior agreement of the Site Owner and must report to the Site Owner upon arrival.
Departure Day
Members must vacate their pitch/pre-erected structure on the day of departure at the time requested by the Site Owner.
Vacated pitches/pre-erected structures must be left clear of all personal property and refuse.